Happy Holy Days! (Getting ready to celebrate St. Nicholas!)
Just another fun tradition for our family is sending out shoes the night before Saint Nicholas' feast day. I usually find these chocolate coins somewhere, and then something simple and useful like a new pair of mittens. A friend reminded me that oranges are usually part of this tradition, so I grabbed some of those (and a Reese's Pieces-filled candy cane) for this year. Sometimes I add in a real gold or silver coin if I'm prepared.
December truly is FULL of Holy Days. It's the reason I don't get hung up on "Happy Holidays" vs. Merry Christmas. Between St. Nicholas tomorrow, the Immaculate Conception 12/8, Our Lady of Guadalupe on the 12th and others, the preparation-purple Advent season is literally and liberally sprinkled with joy and celebration-white! All of these Holy Days are celebrating what Christmas brings: HOPE and JOY! I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful time of hopeful and joyful waiting!

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