The Stairs to Heaven: The Three-Year-Old Climb to Jesus

My whole family went to the adoration chapel this week to celebrate our friend's 60th birthday, and we had a beautiful time. While we all worshiped God in the ways we do best, my three-year-old brother looked at his Bible. He made many remarks about the things he saw and showed pictures in his bible to some of our friends in the chapel. As he started to get off topic, my mom left the chapel and returned with a bag of church books. Eagerly he looked at those and I could hear him whisper "look, Jesus". My mom whispered to him that Jesus was in the tabernacle He asked my dad if he could lift him up so he could get to Jesus. He then asked my mom if she would. Since all else failed he insisted on climbing up so he could "get in" and be with Jesus. It is sometimes surprising how much a little child can love Jesus even at three he would take the climb (a very hard one too for such a little fellow) just to be with Jesus. As I sat there, marveli...